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I CLEARLY introduced myself and then went into the elevator pitch...We sold enough tickets to launch our 10 club fundraiser and I got 8 contacts offering to help! I think that's a winner!

- Jules, Herbalist and IT Manager

You're Done:

  • Keeping your voice quiet from the world
  • Questioning if you are truly cut out for business, entrepreneurship or leadership roles
  • Struggling to communicate effectively
  • Being afraid of being assertive and in your authority as a woman
  • Lacking the confidence to take the steps necessary to advance your business or career
  • People pleasing and censoring your voice
  • Letting the inner critic and imposter syndrome rule your life

Imagine This:

  • Leading and inspiring others with confidence and authenticity

  • Gaining authority in your industry and getting the promotion

  • Making more impact and influence

  • Taking up space in your industry and attracting opportunity

  • Being heard in your relationships

  • Showing up unapologetically

  • Feeling confident and brave


Are you ready to adopt the skills to help you get your unique perspective and ideas heard?

Are you done keeping your wisdom and the powerful leader within locked up?

Are you ready to impact your team and clients?

Are you ready to get unmuted and step into your power?

This is your time to become unapologetic and unleash your magic to the world!

Book Your Free Discovery Call

What You'll Receive

Own Your Voice

Weekly Personal Coaching

In-depth coaching and mentoring with Alyssa each week

Weekly coaching with Alyssa will be the impetus for your transformation. Sessions last 60-90 minutes.

Although Own Your Voice has structure (see program pack), Alyssa coaches very intuitively, meaning it's a flexible container for you. Any connected blocks that come up in your journey are moved through in session.

WhatsApp Support

with Alyssa

You are a VIP client, meaning you are priority.

Throughout your journey you have WhatsApp access to Alyssa for further support.

You can exchange breakthroughs and any questions via voice clips/ messages.

Extra Materials

Resources and Masterclasses

You'll be given all the resources to support your vocal empowerment journey, from embodiment sessions to masterclasses.


Get To Know Me Deeply...

Coach, Educator and Speaker

​But long before that, I was an actress hiding behind the characters I played on stages in London.

When the lights went dark and the makeup came off, my voice went quiet.

I wasn’t able to step into the spotlight as myself even though I felt a calling to lead and inspire others.

It had been that way since I was 12 years old. That’s when bullying and anxiety buried my voice deep within.

For too long, I hid my voice and value from the world.

I felt my chest grow tighter when it came time to public speaking…

The block in my throat when I wanted so much to speak effortlessly…

And the claustrophobia of not rising to meet my full potential…

I yearned to unleash my power and do authentic work. I just didn’t yet know that my leadership voice was already within me.

I spent over two decades studying the voice and the human, I earned certificates for several modalities including energy psychology, NLP, yoga, quantum manifestation, and healing trauma. And completed more than 14 courses in applied integrated holistic practices and voice mastery.

All to better understand how I could fulfill my purpose and call my dream life into being.

As I discovered more about the connections between trauma, healing, and self-expression, I saw the voice as the life-altering tool that it is.


I started speaking up and sharing my wisdom to help others thrive.

Healing my throat chakra changed EVERYTHING.

Finally, I:

👋 Confidently waved goodbye to a town, job, and life that wasn’t setting my soul on fire

📈 Launched a heart-centered online business, making 5 figure months almost immediately, creating greater time, locational and financial freedom

🫂 Cultivated an engaged community of thousands of women reclaiming their voices, stories, and destinies

❤ Attracted the love of my life and finally felt fully seen and heard in a relationship

✈ Traveled the world working remotely from sun-soaked, health-giving destinations

But I’m not special.

You, too, can use your voice to create the impact, influence, and income you desire.

And my mission is to help you do it.

Trained and Certified By

What Awaits You...

Unlock Your Authentic Power with Positive Psychology!

Overcome the sub-conscious blocks that are keeping you quiet so you can show up authentically and unapologetically with ease. We address your mind and unravel the limiting stories that have been on repeat!

Digestible Voice Training, Technique and Education

Knowledge is powerful! We teach you the emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental connection between voice and body along with the fundamentals of voice ownership, technique and production. Result? You become an effective communicator!

Master Your Energetics and Vibration

Heal and clear the heavy energy and low vibrations (from collected trauma) so you can become MAGNETIC for what you desire and discover how to use feminine and masculine energy to your advantage when it comes to your voice and expression.

You learn how to work with your chakra system and meridian system in connection with the mind and release the emotional blocks muting your true expression, voice, thriving potential and ability to CREATE the life you dream of.

Train Your Nervous System!

Regulation is key and so is training your nervous system to hold your newfound voice. You'll be given practices that build nervous system flexibility so that fear, stress and anxiety stop silencing you!

Embody A Confident You

You'll practice and learn how to fully embody your authentic voice and confident self in any scenario, helping you to unlock success in your business and life and create the life you deserve.

Here's What

Our Clients Are Saying So Far!

Apply Now

I asked to do fewer hours at work which has changed my life AND this week, I GOT A PROMOTION to Team Leader which is incredible!

- Sophie, Team Leader and Community Organiser

I CLEARLY introduced myself and then went into the elevator pitch...We sold enough tickets to launch our 10 club fundraiser and I got 8 contacts offering to help! I think that's a winner!

- Jules, Herbalist and IT Project Manager

Alyssa has helped me to see that for the full processing of trauma to occur movement and bodywork are essential components of the overall recovery journey and this will help me now to guide others in the right direction when blocks arise in talking therapy.

Charlotte- Mental Health Therapist

"My throat pain completely cleared and that is SO big and I know it's because I'm doing this work. Thank you for this container it's so beautiful!"

- Farah, Spiritual Healer, Money Mentor and Podcaster

So grateful for Alyssa's teachings. I have used her tips for every performance and without them, I don't know how I would have got through my delivery.

She gives so many tools and voice-changing advice than any other teacher I have had. You are awesome! Thank you!

Catherine, Singer and Public Speaker

"I'm moving forwards with my newfound voice!

-Lexi, Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach

"Alyssa is so non-judgmental and puts you at ease, in a safe space, and allows you to be vulnerable."

- Sarah, Holistic Health Coach

"I walk in the room and I'm the light. They feel the energy that comes out of me!"

- Sophie, Trained Nutritionist and Train Conductor

"I literally couldn't sleep because I was buzzing, excited about what was to come for me!"

- EJ, Staff and Developing Manager

"I would wholeheartedly recommend this to people, they would be very lucky to get the chance to work with you."

- Sanny, Career Woman and New Mum


Is this group coaching or 1:1?

This is a 9-week 1:1 program with Alyssa.

Where do sessions take place?

The sessions take place on zoom or by phone (if UK-based). Zoom can be downloaded on any device.

What's the investment and are there payment plans?

To learn investment options please book a call and apply within. There are different payment plans available and we can discuss what best suits you.

What time will the sessions be?

This is arranged prior to you joining.

How long are the calls?

Calls are 60-90 minutes.

When will I feel the results?

Practice makes progress. This depends entirely on your commitment to the work.

Book a Discovery Call Now!


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