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Get Paid For Your Unique Skills and Knowledge!

Here's What's Available For You...

A sustainable business based on your skills, gifts, knowledge and wisdom that can make you $5k- $10 PLUS months in the first year and beyond thereafter.

Limitless income: after you learn the tricks, you could be looking at 60k-120k months and beyond! NO LIMIT.

Impacting and changing lives with your story

Your own passive income empire

Locational freedom! Travel the world or settle in your dream destination.

Life on your time and terms. Quit your 9-5 and become your own boss!

Don't Miss The Boat!

Join one of the largest-growing industries set to make $319 billion by 2029!

Get on this boat now and don't get left behind!

Wisdom To Wealth is your IN to online business and teaches you everything you need to know in starting and growing your soul-led offerings.

Apply Now!

You don't need a big following to go BIG!

Your business can work even if you don't have a huge following, so make no mistake, you are good to go as you are.

All The Gains

The Ins and Outs of Online Entrepreneurship

Live Coaching - We don't miss a thing!

Wealth To Wisdom provides you with the tools and support you need to start, scale and sustain your dream business both on and offline.

This can be a 6 months, or 9 month journey. There are 15 modules.

You'll also have access to 8 bonus trainings in addition to the live coachings and resources and tools for support throughout.

One-to-One Attention



Outside of sessions you'll have access to Alyssa in WhatsApp and can exchange voice clips/messages throughout.

Bonus Material

You are fully supported on your entrepreneurship journey!

You'll be given extra material and resources to work through outside of your coaching sessions.

You can be sure when you finish the course you'll know everything you need to know to keep growing your amazing business.

Apply Now!

Master the Online Space

Feel comfortable and confident with the required technological systems to start and build your business.

Clarify Your Offer

Build a passive income system that people will pay for!

Find Your Unique Voice and Get Visible!

Cut through the noise with your unique voice and build a business that makes you standout.

Master The Online Space

Feel is comfortable and confident with the required technological systems to use to start and build your business.

Clarify Your Offers

Build a passive income system that people will pay for!

Find Your Unique Voice and Get Visible

Cut through the noise with your unique voice and build a business that makes you standout.

Trained and Certified By

See the Wisdom to Wealth Modules

Download the Program Pack Here

Why Wisdom to Wealth?

  • This is a LIVE container which means you get close attention and support in your set-up.

  • As a coach, I have built my business from the ground up hitting 5-7k months in my first year alone...WITH NO big following online.

  • I rebranded my business and chose an entirely new audience (basically starting from scratch) making an 11k month in my first launch!

  • I know the fear of working with tech and social media and so if I can make it work, you can too!

  • I know the importance of being the face and voice of a personal brand and understand how to cut through the noise.

  • I've invested high 5 figures in my growth, on top of my own experience.

  • I've tested all the biz strategies and know what works and doesn't. This is important because there's plenty of fluff out there!

  • I will take you through EVERYTHING you need to know to get started and grow your biz and brand with SOUL.

I'm here to:

  • Provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools
  • Give you strategy when you're winging it
  • Give you feedback when you're confused
  • Give you confidence when you're wobbling
  • Support your creative vision and purpose
  • Be your biggest cheerleader

  • Teach you to regulate when you're off-balance
  • Guide you in bringing your dream into reality
  • Give you advice when your stuck
  • Support you when you're world is swirling
  • Motivate you to be conistent
  • Stop you from making the mistakes I did


Where do I need to be and what time?

Sessions are organised upon joining.

I don't know what to offer yet, can I still do this program?

Absolutely! I help most of my clients create their first offer and I also give them the framework to use for every other offer they put out into the world!

Is this only for building an online business?

Nope! If you want to be in both worlds (in-person and online) it's the same process! These days even if run your business in-person, having an online presence and understanding digital marketing is ESSENTIAL for building a highly profitable brand.

Can I cancel my place?

Upon purchasing there are no refunds or deferrals whether you are on the payment plan or the one-time payment option.

Does w2w guarantee me success?

I firmly believe that success is a multifaceted concept, unique to each individual. No course or program can guarantee a specific outcome but I can assure you that my program is meticulously designed to provide you with invaluable tools, expert guidance, and unwavering support on your path to building your online business and cultivating entrepreneurial greatness.

Apply Now!

Still Have Questions?

Book a free call with me and I'll help you with anwsers!


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